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What Is Energy Medicine?

Jan 8

4 min read




"What is energy medicine? Until you have direct experience of it, it just sounds like an idea. However, when in use (when useful) energy medicine is much more powerful and stronger than anything the mind can understand, perceive or conceive. The ability to tap into energy medicine is what ignites it and causes it. The ability to tap-in is also part of the medicine itself.

No different than turning on a light switch, you know that there’s energy in the walls, but you can’t see it or feel it. However, you know it’s there because when you turn on the switch, the light appears.

The Neurological Equipment 

The brain uses the mind (i.e. the pathology), as its own personal history, to dictate how the brain (“the plumbing equipment”) works. And therefore, what it secretes, and how often it secretes into the body. When that wall-of-dough pops, it becomes Waldo just like in our children’s books: It’s always been there, but we haven’t been trained to see it, yet. Once we see it, we can also connect to it.

“What you see is what you be.”  Meaning, if mom brings comfort, joy and love, the body calms down; the secretions are powerful anecdotes for healing. If mom brings chaos, fear and instability, the secretions from the mind using the brain as its plumbing system send messages of protection, safety, fear.

A 2-week old baby is pure energy; nothing has separated from the whole, yet it is all vital, pure harnessed energy.

My job is to connect practitioners, who are studying with me, back to that wall-of-dough before we had a thought of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’: i.e. We were the experiencer experiencing the experience, with no mind and no thought, no intelligence, no knowledge, just pure energy.

What I have tapped into, and what I am teaching, is how to tap back into that energy. Once you do, like a fireman’s hose, you can extrapolate and make it user-friendly. You now have the potential to disintegrate any block in the body, any hole in the body, any twisted muscle, any ‘out-of-order’, any dis-ease - essentially, the hole can become whole.

I teach you how to turn that light switch on so that the light (i.e. energy) can extend, to pop that individual secretion, twisted muscle, cancerous cell, back into “Whole Energy,” dis-integrating Waldo (the ‘out-of-order’) back into the wall-of-dough.

Pure energy, from the practitioner - or the light switch, if you will - can enter the block or out-of-order, and the healing process begins.

So to ask, “What is energy medicine” is not a simple answer, and yet in the answer is the experience. The only way to know that Energy Medicine works is to try it.

If you come to me with a hurt neck, or cancer, or a broken ankle - as it heals in the moment, maybe not completely, but enough to be clear that it’s working - you then can become a direct experiencer of energy.

The reason it’s taking so long to get into our culture is because it cannot be understood, bought, or sold- it can only be experienced.

You cannot tell someone about a light switch who’s never seen electricity work. You cannot tell them, “If you flip this button, light will appear in a darkened room.” The mind that’s never experienced electricity in a building has no analogy with which to understand it. It must walk into the room and flip the switch itself.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s kind of interesting that the ‘ticket to ride’ is a pain or problem. When our culture cannot help us anymore, we seem to go looking outside of what our medical and scientific industry has been able to point to thus far, taking us to “beyond what we know”.

The moment you have this experience (ie. walk into a room and watch the light appear through your own direct experience), whether it’s on a Global Healing Event where I’m healing hundreds of people at the same time on Zoom, or you fly-in to see me personally, as soon as your body begins to heal, you began to feel better in the present moment the switch has been flipped. You begin to ‘know’ energy medicine.

It’s kind of like saying, “How do you know God is real?” My answer will always be- the only way to know God is to have a deep, personal experience yourself. So truly the only way to know God is through your own experience."

Candace Silvers is a world-renowned Healer and Human Behavioral Expert sought-out by clients all over the world. Over her career of 35+ years, Candace has worked with A-list celebrities, high-profile professional athletes, and Fortune 500 companies. She has trained healers in 50 Countries on 6 Continents, including countless doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers through The Silvers Academy. Candace has made multiple appearances on platforms such as Gaia TV series “Beyond Belief,” “Open Minds” and “Insights and Possibilities” Her revolutionary approach to healing and human behavior has earned her a global following, with a mission to empower people to overcome their limitations and achieve extraordinary results. For more information, visit  You can follow Candace on Instagram @candace_silvers.

Jan 8

4 min read




Comments (2)

5h ago

This is absolutely brilliant! I've had many healings from Candace, both in-person and on Zoom and she has helped me in countless way. Looking forward to the next Global Zoom Healing Event :)


8h ago

Energy medicine is a strong healing when used in a proper way by serious healers/people. I have practiced it in a closed environment (being with a number of classmates when learning Inkamedicine) It can be a little scary when not used to how it works, but it feels good when you get a positive answer for what you see when working with a client.🤔

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